Wednesday, December 8, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog?

I think the Blogging Project is a very beneficial activity for this class. Both in the sense that we get to give the material taught another look and that we have complete control over a portion of our grade.

Not only does blogging force us to reconsider the purpose of the class activities and lessons, but it also gives us another perspective of how to view those things from the point of many of our classmates. This puts things in a greater perspective and even prepares us for a business setting as we get to see how a variety of individuals react to certain things.

I feel like the best part of blogging was being able to interact with basically the entire class. In class we all tend to sit in the same areas so we only interact with those around us. Through responding to other peoples blogs we increase our interactions and therefore get more out of the class.

Personally, I am not the most active class participant, but being able to blog gave me a chance to express my opinions. Blogging forced those who do not actively participate to get a word in and thus expanded the learning experience.

I think very often we go to class and once we leave we do not take the time to think about the lesson and really let it sink in. This means we are likely to forget the material very soon (that is, until a test comes up and we decide to review). The post-class pondering can be the difference between a B and an A.

The blogs forced us to to be more active in the learning process which ultimately benefited us.

Even though I feel the blogs were helpful, I do no plan on continuing to blog once the class if over. However, I would not be upset if this activity comes up in another class.


  1. I completely agree,I'm not the most active participator either. However I do think that it gave me a chance to voice my opinions. It was also cool learning about how other people felt about certain aspects of the class

  2. Absolutely agree with you, Mat. Blogging gave many people, who were not very active participants in class, a chance to voice their opinion. And, I think, its very important to express yourself. For some students its hard to speak in front of the audience, but it doesn't mean they have nothing to say. Blogging was a great out of class activity that helped our communication skills as well. We got a chance to get to know each other and to relate to each other. I think, I made some really good friends in this class. Keep in touch!

  3. This was a great way to communicate with our fellow classmates. because we have to focus in on the lesson, the professor, the lecture, etc... sometimes we might not get the chance to really verbalize with all our classmates. even in our group activities, we saw how most groups stayed with the same people. So this was an excellent way to expand our relationships with others.
