Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Things I'll do for Extra Credit

The things I'll do for extra credit
I'll write a poem so I can get it.
I'll go to McDonalds and act like a fool.
I'll ask for five pickles and play it cool.
I'll break the class down in just a few lines
I'll embarass myself with these corny rhymes.

I thought this class would be a breeze,
I thought that I could pass with ease.
But then I took the first exam,
I got my grade and said OH DAMN!

Passing now I thought, forget it!
Then hope came back through extra credit.
Go to McDonalds and do something dumb,
Be sure to ask for your french fries well done.

Enough of this nonsense I should say something smart,
the subject is management, so where should I start?

Increase creativity for more innovation,
Understand others to improve motivation.
Communicate well to get ahead,
Put it all together and make that bread.

But joking aside I learned a ton,
And for once in my life learning was fun.

So develop these skills and remember this mission-
always maintain the 'Power of Vision'!

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